On October 17, 2008 “St. Katharine Drexel Parish Worshiping at Holy Ghost Church” began its new history. In one sense you could say it began with hurricane KATRINA on August 29, 2005 and with the breaking of the levees the next day which completely submerged New Orleans and large portions of the surrounding civil parishes for weeks and weeks. In the three year aftermath over thirty Catholic churches were closed, suppressed, amalgamated or reduced in status to mission churches.
Holy Ghost Church and St. Francis De Sales Church were both suppressed and became a “new creation” as St. Katharine Drexel Parish located in what had been Holy Ghost Church. Its location was on a popular main street. It had a successful Catholic school attached.
And so the journey began. Fortunately many other parishioners joined the new parish from Blessed Sacrament, Our Lady of Lourdes, and other surrounding churches. The records show that it quickly became the spiritual home for over 600 families and 1,000+ members. The many talented parishioners who came together had a God-given task: to become a vibrant Catholic Church family on the corner of Danneel St. and Louisiana Ave, bearing witness to the neighborhood that Jesus is Lord!
A Pastoral Council was formed with twenty charter members. The Finance Council was organized. The liturgical ministries (lectors, ushers, altar servers, Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion, choir, liturgical movement) began immediately with all those who had been serving in years past. The gifts of the Knights of Peter Claver: unit #47 from Blessed Sacrament, unit #52 from Holy Ghost, unit #325 from St. Francis De Sales were immediately evident. Catechists were gathered for Sunday School (CCD), for RCIA, for Confirmation preparation. The Environment committee, Family Life, and Holy Name Society continued to serve. New ministries were formed: Men of Saint Katharine Drexel, a Marriage Ministry and an Outreach Ministry.
A well-known artist was commissioned to create an original oil portrait of our patron: Saint Katharine Drexel to add to our church environment. The church office was moved to the convent as the Sisters of the Holy Family left after many years of service and a new principal was hired. The Catholic Haitian community continued to meet at the new parish. A Fellowship committee was formed which gave occasions for everyone to gather for food and friendship-building. The parish adopted a mission in Haiti and established a committee to raise annual funds for its support.
Despite the pains of saying “good bye” to the successful and prosperous histories of Holy Ghost (93 years!) and St. Francis De Sales (40+ years!) God’s Spirit was in charge and the future was begun. A financial debt had to be paid, new relationships needed to be formed. The DREXEL CENTER was officially named and became the location of many community building breakfasts and events. An enlarged parking lot was needed …and was purchased and built by the new parish family. New church bells were installed, Daily Mass was begun and the schedule of weekend Masses set.
"Our faces were set towards Jerusalem!" With ehe Lord as our Strength, our Leader, our Unifier...our march was begun. "We can do all things in Him who strengthens us!" (Phil. 4:13)